Tours in Turkmenistan
Turkmens are nomadic people that live in the area south of the great river Amu Darya for millennia. Some people say that the very origin of the Turkic tribes come from this area. The Turkmens are quite interesting with regard to their lifestyle, habits and traditions.
| Ice House, Merv, Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan boasts several remarkable historic sites, some of which date back to 9th century AD. Such is, for example, Kunya Urgench, an important city on the ancient Silk Road and capital of the Khorezmian kingdom. Old fortresses rise in the loneliness of the desert, as symbols of the past might and glory.
| Margiana, Turkmenistan
One of the highlights every tourist would want to see while in Turkmenitan is the famous Akhal-teke horse breed, world-known for its speed and endurance. This beautiful horse is part of the national emblem, and great addition to any tour you might wish to plan in the country.
| Akhal Teke Horse Breed, Turkmenistan
In recent years, many cities of Turkmenistan have dramatically changed their appearance and style. New modern buildings, palaces, mosques, roads and residential centers were erected on the territories fought back from the desert. Such districts represent an amazing combination with old style residential areas.
| Modern Turkmenistan